The Munich-based online retailer Vitafy specializes in fitness, health and nutrition products, offering a vast amount of different brands including three private labels (Bodylab, GymQueen, Vitafy). Founded in 2013, Vitafy today runs seven online stores while also positioning some of its private labels in stationary retail. However, the majority of sales are generated through its own online platforms.
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The 7Learnings pricing solution enables Vitafy to tap the full potential of its data without having to invest in technology development or a costly data science team. Within weeks the pricing solution delivered measurable results. Vitafy can now, within minutes, simulate various price scenarios for individual categories, forecasting revenue, sales and profit outcomes for its respective targets. The highly automated pricing process frees up time for more strategic tasks. The 7Learnings pricing algorithm offers a holistic optimization which takes all relevant influencing parameters such as inventory, seasonality, competition into account. Its goal driven approach makes price steering radically easy.
Unlock the power of predictive pricing and drive your business to new heights. Contact us now to learn more and start your own success story.
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Unlock the full potential of your business with our upcoming webinar “AI-Driven Pricing in UK Retail: Harness the power of your data with predictive dynamic pricing”