Based in Münster, Germany, is a multichannel retailer that exclusively sells brands from the Danish DK Group – including Blend, Casual Friday, ICHI and b.Young. Their 40-strong team serves a retail audience which is primarily based in Europe. They sell their brands on Europe’s largest fashion marketplaces, including Zalando, About You, Otto and Amazon.
in profit
in revenue
E-commerce is an increasingly complex industry, and pricing is a critical factor in determining customer willingness to buy. faced the added challenge of retailing across a variety of e-commerce platforms, with diverse audiences and demand factors. 7Learnings‘ solution has helped to alleviate these challenges by providing a way to easily and effectively manage prices across a variety of channels. Where before this activity was highly complex and took a lot of manpower to manage, the automation provided by 7Learnings’ machine learning-driven technology has made this process smoother and more efficient. has seen measurable results thanks to 7Learnings’ predictive pricing solution. With our intuitive software, companies like are able to benefit from the operational efficiencies the machine learning based technology provides.
Unlock the power of predictive pricing and drive your business to new heights. Contact us now to learn more and start your own success story.
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