Discover the potential profit uplift that our predictive pricing solution can bring to your business.

Predictive pricing software for the home & living industry

Smart living, smarter pricing

Set optimal prices for even the most varied of assortments and watch your profitability soar; our solution gives home & living retailers a competitive edge in all sales channels.​

Develop a pricing strategy that attracts customers without compromising profit margins

Manage pricing for a vast range of stock-keeping units (SKUs)

7Learnings swiftly processes and consolidates data from millions of products across various categories with remarkable efficiency. Our solution delivers accurate predictions for each unique SKU, considering specific attributes that influence consumer preferences and market demand such as size, color, material, and style variations. Our models pinpoint the price elasticity of each product, enabling you to set prices that achieve your business objectives.

Adjust prices for products that are subject to seasonal demand patterns

7Learnings analyzes a vast range of data, such as historical data, market trends, and external factors to predict seasonal variations in demand. Proactively adjust prices based on anticipated shifts in customer preferences and demand patterns with our machine learning based profit and revenue forecasts. Capture increased demand during peak seasons while avoiding excess inventory during slower periods for maximum profitability with minimum stock issues.

Set optimal prices even in the absence of competitor price data (e.g. private-label products)

7Learnings forecasts take into account multiple relevant factors such as costs, competitor pricing, customer price sensitivity, weather, and seasonality. Our solution empowers you to proactively set prices based on a comprehensive overview of market dynamics. We analyze a comprehensive set of data to determine optimal pricing even in the absence of competitor data or for exclusively sold private-label products. Confidently price your products in a short time frame to maximize their market potential.

Tailor prices for diverse sales channels across various countries or regions

7Learnings' machine learning models ascertain the price elasticity of products at the channel level. Our software adapts its optimization suggestions to accommodate the unique characteristics of each channel, such as local pricing and market conditions, also taking into account the varying cost structures. We empower you to fine-tune your pricing according to the market conditions of specific channels, differentiating your pricing strategy and attaining enhanced profits and revenues.

7Learnings in numbers

>10% profit

Wellness Retail Shop Vitafy

+118% profit

Sports Fashion Retailer Intersport Krumholz

+10% Profit

Fashion Retailer

Discover Our Successful Clients

Online Pharmacy Apologistics Gains Significant Profit & Revenue Uplift Despite Highly Competitive Market

Read about how 7Learnings helped one of Europe‘s fastest growing online pharmacies to significantly increase its profitability and revenue by implementing advanced machine-learning based pricing.

Online Furniture Retailer Raumschmiede Uplifts Revenue and Profit With 7Learnings ’ Predictive Pricing Technology

Learn how 7Learnings helped Raumschmiede increase their profitability while reducing the complexity and workload of setting prices.

How Vitafy Uses Price Optimization and Demand Forecasting to Boost their Profit and Sales

7Learnings helped Vitafy find a solution that could deal with an increasing number of SKUs, tap into existing margin potential and automate the pricing process.


Find answers to all your questions.

How does 7Learnings’ predictive pricing solution work?

Using state-of-the-art algorithms and machine learning models, our solution examines a wide range of data, encompassing both internal and external sources such as sales, inventory, and market trends. This thorough analysis empowers our software to generate accurate predictions regarding the impact of price adjustments on your products. Consequently, prices can be strategically optimized to align with your business objectives—be it maximizing profits, increasing revenues, managing inventory levels, or achieving other strategic goals.

Of course! We support a wide range of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and standardized data formats, and we can integrate seamlessly with your existing systems.

We can optimize prices for all relevant sales channels: online (own shop and marketplaces) as well as offline.

For the timeline to see tangible results it varies based on factors such as the complexity of your product catalogue and the availability of historical data. In most cases, retailers start to observe positive impacts on pricing outcomes within a few weeks after implementation.

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Let our experts show you how our AI tool can boost your business. Book your demo today and start your journey to retail excellence.

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