Discover the potential profit uplift that our predictive pricing solution can bring to your business.

B2B Retailer Displays2go Boosts Profits by Over 5%

Discover how 7Learnings enabled Displays2Go to utilize their data to its full potential and use it to determine the price points that would maximize their business targets.

Company Overview

Founded in 1974, Displays2go is a leading manufacturer and B2B retailer of point-of-sales displays. Based in Fall River, Massachusetts, the company caters to different industries such as stationary retail and corporate tradeshows.

Today, Displays2go is part of TAKKT AG a leading German B2B retail group. The group earns an annual revenue of >1 billion EUR (2020).

Learn how 7Learnings helped Displays2go reduce the complexity of pricing and automate the process


  1. Displays2go was looking for a solution that could help them manage a large assortment of products, each of which have several variants.
  2. Their existing process of manual price setting was unable to tap into the full potential of their available data.
  3. The company has found itself grappling with an increasingly competitive market environment as new players emerge. They wanted a new lever to adjust to help maximize their profitability.
  4. Displays2go’s product offering is unique and not directly comparable to their competitors. This means it is difficult for them to utilize competitor data to base their prices on, and they need to rely on other influencing factors.


  • 7Learnings’ solution helped Displays2go increase their revenue and profits, while saving their teams the time and effort of manual price management.
  • Demonstrated positive, measurable im-pact that helped to improve their overall business performance.
  • Facilitated pricing for a unique assortment of products without comparable competitor prices, based on price elast-icity calculations.

7Learnings helped achieve:

5% uplift

in Profit

4% increase

in Revenue


Displays2go faced a unique array of challenges given their product offering, their B2B retail segment, and the lack of available competitor data.

With 7Learnings powerful price optimization solution, they were able to utilize their data to its full potential and use it to determine the price points that would maximize their business targets.

Within a short time frame, Displays2go saw positive results and an overall uplift in their profits and revenue. The complexity of managing pricing for their diverse and growing product assortment was also reduced thanks to the high level of automation the solution provided.

The Displays2go team has benefitted from this reduced effort, which frees up time for other strategic business activities.

In the face of a growing and complex market, 7Learnings has helped us to significantly increase our margins while automating and streamlining our pricing process at the same time.
Jon Rogers
Vice President of Finance @ Displays2go

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